
Mission Statement

The mission of Monteil Fitness is to promote confidence, courage, and perseverance that influences difference through motivational programs, daily workout accomplishments, and continuous learning opportunities.

My goal is to Create the perfect workout plan that can fit your lifestyle & get you to your destiny!

I was never the type to work out nor maintain a healthy diet, my metabolism was always fast so weight was never a problem for me. Upon my last year of school, the weight in my stomach began to stick and I really wanted to get rid of it. The workout plan I was put on was 30 days of ab workouts and calisthenics. It was difficult at first but it helped my body tone up, burn fat and begin a healthy habit of physical activity. Monteil did such a great job tailoring the workouts to my target areas as well as ensuring that I pushed myself to get maximum results. If there was something I wanted to try or change, he gave sound information to ensure that my nutrition aligned with the workouts and always had words of encouragement. The photos are a difference of 20 days and I am very pleased with the results so far. I look forward to continuing to work with Monteil Fitness and highly recommend anyone looking to get fit, especially beginners.


Weight Loss

Monteil my brother. What can I say? You’ve inspired me in many ways. Sometime last year I had promised myself that I would start working out with you. The motivation and commitment you’ve always had towards working out consistently and reaching your (fitness) goals motivated me to do the same.

I remember weighing 170lbs being this very skinny guy with a height of 6’5 and no muscles (no clear cut muscles). Not that I wasn’t proud of my body but I wanted to be a little bit bigger. I took the challenge to hit the gym consistently with you and I saw a major difference.

At that point I became addicted to the gym. We would work 12 hour shifts then hit the gym right after work, and it became a constant routine. I literally fell in love with working out and to this day, I’ve been steady. Our workouts have always been intense and we’ve always pushed each other to the limit to reach higher levels each session.

I’m very grateful for your patience, guidance, and all the challenges you bestowed on me. You’ve pushed me hard and I’m still in shock, because I never thought I would be able to lift the heavy weights that I do to this day. Thank you!


Weight Gain

Our Team


ISSA Certified

CPR Certified

Hello and welcome to Monteil Fitness. I’ve been working out for the past decade. Working out has gotten me out of my comfort zone and put me in positions that I never thought I would be in; like starting my own business. It has made me the man I am today and I love everything about it. The soreness in the mornings, the definition of my back and arms showing, my chest solidifying, my shoulders broadening, the random leg lockups, and the longevity that it adds to my life. I know that change can be scary, but keep in mind that you have to start somewhere. You will someday reach your full potential in life, and I want to be a part of your success story along the way. So let’s get started!
